January 1, 2020

Welcome 2020: Things That I Learnt So Far...

Be thankful for what you have now, even small things.

Don’t dwell often in the past and always worrying about the future, because you’ll forget to live in the present.

Set target for your personal and professional life but be flexible when things don’t go out as expected.

Don’t compare your life to others, create your own story, a good one.

Make your own decision. Ask suggestion from trusted relatives, friends or even strangers. But make sure you’re the one who make final decision. That way whatever the outcome is, it’s the result of your own decision. Then you can’t blame other and lingering on how you regret on making decision based on someone else.

Put your best effort like you still have much times in this world but don’t forget to pray like you’re gonna die.

The life you want, you have work for it. Not given by someone else even your closest; brother, sister, parent, husband, wife. There’s no shortcut for it.

Some people, might be family, say you can do anything on your own. For me being adult is knowing your limit, aware of what you can’t do alone. Certain things that if you still doing it, you’re the one whose gonna break down.

Don’t be greedy by possessing many things. Regularly give your belonging to others who needed more.

Distant yourself from relatives that judging you for they might have bad experience. But still keep in contact help them whenever you can. Never knew when you’re gonna need them.

Gave up family expectation that you might not want; maybe a secure job with pension, permanent employee, civil servants, etc. Find your passion. 

Free yourself from regrets. Ask apologize, say sorry, ask help when needed.

Pic: freepik.com


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